Last week (6-10 October), members of Mensa Croatia attended IBD 2022 (International Board of Directors) which took place in Montenegro, and took part in numerous informal gatherings related to the event. Our representative Mario Erceg (member of the Presidency of Mensa Croatia) attended meetings all day with other representatives of Mensa from other countries, where numerous issues important to Mensa International and the next steps in the forthcoming period were discussed.
Regarding the position of Mensa Croatia in Mensa International, it is important to point out that in 2022, Mensa Croatia achieved the best result in the last 12 years, i.e. since 2010, when it became a full member of the Mensa International community (a group of all national Mensa in the world), and with over 200 members per million population, Mensa Croatia ranks 7th out of a total of 40 national Mensas in relative terms (in 2021 held 13th position), which, for the first time, brought Mensa Croatia 2 votes into all voting procedures. We left behind a large number of national Mensa countries with a much larger population and with a much larger logistics infrastructure, annual budget and the number of volunteers, such as UK, Netherlands, Germany, USA, Australia, France, Spain, Poland, Japan, Italy, Korea, Argentina, etc.
Photo of local Mensa national members at Hotel Avala just before the gala dinner